Janice Kim 3P, popular go teacher, go blogger, and co-author of the Learn to Play Go book series, will teach a workshop in Berkeley, California this coming weekend, June 23 and 24. Those who signed up early turned in game records for Kim to review before the workshop so that she could tailor the discussion topics specifically to students’ needs. “Course materials and game records will be provided in both print and electronic format so that students can take notes and annotate records on mobile devices or with pen and pencil,” reports organizer Roger Schrag. Seats are still available, and the deadline to sign up is this Friday, June 22 at noon. Class size will be kept small so that everyone can get as much individual attention as possible. Learn more about the workshop and sign up on the workshop web page. Photo: Janice Kim lectures at the 2012 Cotsen Open; photo by Chris Garlock.
American Go E-Journal » 2012 » June
Go Teaching Project Takes Root in Brazil
Monday June 18, 2012
The Caroline Campelo Cruz e Silva School in Palmas City, Brazil, has launched a full go program for kids, reports teacher Luciano Sanches Teixeira. Recent changes in organization and curricula at the school opened up space for new teaching activities, including a room equipped for teaching chess and checkers. “The first contact with go came about through research about (chess and checkers) on the Internet,” that led to the discovery that “there was another game, an oriental game played with glass spheres on a wooden board,” says Teixeira.
The school received its first go board in 2010, and while the initial interest was sparked by curiosity about an ancient game, Teixeira says that go “gained our attention thanks to its relationship with mathematics.” In addition to the calculations required for playing go, “We also think that looking at the different shapes built on the board and dealing with the delicate stones could also help develop motor coordination and laterality,” which are both important in the literacy process. This year the school launched a project to teach go to all students, for two months the students had go lessons, and “We also offered workshops after the regular classes, where students had access to the game of go throughout the school year.”
Go Camps Offers Study & Fun
Monday June 18, 2012
“The AGA Summer Go Camp is excited to announce that both Slate and Shell and Kiseido have made a donation of books to the 2012 camp,” reports Camp Director Amanda Miller. “Throughout the week of July 29, the camp will be holding small tournaments and other fun Go-related activities, such as 13 x13, pair Go, and team tournaments. The books will be given out to the winners of these events, and include titles from Yuan Zhou’s Master Play series, Yilun Yang’s The Workshop Lectures, and the Elementary Go Series. Because of the generosity of these companies, there should be more than enough books to go around, so every camper will get at least one,” adds Miller. Go Camp is for anyone between the ages of 8 and 18, and there is still time to register. The camp will take place the week before the Go Congress from July 28 to August 4 and will be held at the same location, the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Mingjiu Jiang (7P) will be the teacher. Kids who are interested in the camp, but worry they can’t afford it, are encouraged to apply for need-based scholarships, which are still available from the AGF. “We have registered campers between the ages of 6 and 18, and within a strength range of 22-kyu to 1-dan, so the camp should be a lot of fun, regardless of age or rank,” says Miller. For more information, can visit the camp website (www.gocampeast.org) or e-mail the camp directors at agagocampeast@gmail.com. -Paul Barchilon, E-J Youth Editor.
2011 U.S. Go Congress Overview Released
Sunday June 17, 2012
Hundreds of go players gathered in one place. Professionals from around the world playing simultaneous games with amateurs of all strengths. Tournament games daily. Professional lectures and game analysis. Eight days of all kinds of go-related activities from morning to midnight. It’s the annual U.S. Go Congress, of course, and nearly 400 have already signed up for this year’s Congress, which will be held August 4-12 in Black Mountain, NC. There’s still time to register and to give you a better idea of what to expect, the E-Journal has just released the 2011 U.S. Go Congress Overview, which compiles all our reports, photos, games and commentaries from last year’s Congress in Santa Barbara, CA. Special features include “Getting Frank with MingJiu Jiang 7P,” “Janice Kim on the 3 Rules of Go,” and a whole lot more, all just a click away. We hope you enjoy this special collection and look forward to seeing you at the Congress!
– Chris Garlock, Managing Editor
American Go E-Journal
2011 U.S. Go Congress Overview: Reports, Photos, Games & Commentaries
Sunday June 17, 2012
Winners Yongfe Ge Wins U.S. Open; Mingming Yin Wins Strong Players Open
Zi Yang Hu 1P Wins N.A. Master’s Tournament; Board Auction Raises $1,000 for AGF
Yongfei Ge Closes in on U.S. Open Title, Mingming “Stephanie” Yin Wins Strong Player’s Tournament
2011 U.S. Go Congress Crosstabs (includes game files except for the Die Hard)
• US Open (includes game files)
• North American Masters Tournament
• Redmond Cup Junior Division
• Redmond Cup Senior Division
• Strong Players Open
• Die Hard (no game files)
Brian’s Photos: Selected 2011 U.S. Go Congress Awards
Brian’s Photos: Pro Game Analysis
Brian’s Go Photo: Go Players Hit the Beach
Brian’s Go Photo: Outdoor Lesson with Yilun Yang 7P
Brian’s Go Photo: Li Ting from the Kansai Kiin
Brian’s Go Photo: Jennie Shen 2P Game Analysis
Brian’s Go Photo: Go Congress Moves Outdoors
Brian’s Go Photos: Memories of the Santa Barbara Go Congress
Phil’s Portraits: Familiar Faces
Phil’s Portraits: Sunday, July 31
Phil’s Portraits: Monday, August 1
U.S. Go Congress Game Records, Pro Commentaries, Pairings & Results (thru 8/5)
U.S. Go Congress Game Records, Pro Commentaries, Pairings & Results (thru 8/4)
Congress Game Records Posted (thru 8/3)
PRO GAME COMMENTARY: U.S. Open Round 1, Board 1: Mingjiu Jiang 7P on Dae Hyuk Ko 7d vs. Bill Lin 7d
PRO GAME COMMENTARY: U.S. Open Round 2, Board 1: Maeda Ryo 6P on Yuan Zhou 7d vs. Dae Hyuk Ko 7d
PRO GAME COMMENTARY: U.S. Open Round 2, Board 2: Li Ting 1P* on Calvin Sun 7d vs. Yongfei Ge 7d
PRO GAME COMMENTARY: U.S. Open Round 4, Board 3: Michael Redmond 9P on Chen-Sun
PRO GAME COMMENTARY: NAIM Round 2, Board 4: Maeda & Shen on Hu-Chen
North American Masters: Player Photo Gallery
Strong Players’ Open: Photo Gallery
The Go Congress Remembers Yoshi Sawada
Getting Frank with MingJiu Jiang 7P
Janice Kim on the 3 Rules of Go
Appreciation for AGA Lifetime Members
U.S. Go Congress EJ Team Recognition
YOUR MOVE: Congress Ratings?
NEW IN PRINT: Roy Laird Visits the Congress Go Vendors
Congress Connects KGS Neighbors
Tam-Zhou to Play Su-Zhang in Pair Go Playoff
106 Clock in for Die Hard Tourney
Pandanet-IGS Announces New Client
Lightning Tourney: 10m, Sudden Death. Start Your Clocks!
Board Election Winners, Congress Results
2011 U.S. Open Underway
U.S. Go Congress: Day 1 Live Broadcast Schedule
Following the 2011 Go Congress on Twitter, KGS, EJ & Website
Party Starts Early for 2011 U.S. Congress
Go Congress Joseki: Congress at a GlanceGo Congress Joseki: Checking In/Registering
Go Congress Joseki: Other Games
Go Congress Joseki: Transportation & Parking
Go Congress Joseki: Arrival/Registration
Sign Up Online for Congress Pair Go!
Excitement Building for Upcoming U.S. Go Congress in Santa Barbara, CA
New GoGoD Released, Coming to Congress
Balwit Named Teacher of the Year
Rare KBA Dan Certificates to be Awarded at Go Congress
U.S. Go Congress Attendance Nears 450; 19 Pros Confirmed
Battle of the Youngsters: Tang vs. Hu in Master’s Final Friday Night
Redmond Plays Redmond
Sun and Ye Sweep Redmond
Sun and Ye Leading in Redmond Cup
Shi and Ye Top Redmond Cup Qualifiers
NoVa Capital Go Club Offers Chinese Go Mag in “Virtual Library”
Sunday June 17, 2012
Northern Virginia’s Capital Go Club is making its collection of World of Go (WeiQi TianDi) magazine available free for the asking. “World of Go is the most popular go magazine in China with hundreds of thousands of readers,” says Capital Go organizer Edward Zhang. The Capital Go Club — an AGA chapter — has a collection of nearly 400 issues of the magazine. “All you need to do is to fill the registration form and promise to return the magazine in a timely fashion,” says Zhang. While no deposit is required, Zhang does note that the magazine is in simplified Chinese.
Myung-wan Kim 9P To Do Live Video/Audio Commentary on AGA-Tygem Pro Online Prelim Game Saturday
Friday June 15, 2012
Myung-wan Kim 9P (r) will provide live video and audio commentary Saturday on the AGA-Tygem Pro Online Prelim game between ‘regular456’ 9-dan and ‘CptJack’ 5-dan.The live commentary will be in Tygem’s World room starting at 12:30P (EST). “The live commentary feature is one of the favorite things Korean go players love in Tygemgo and I think US go players will also enjoy it,” Myung-wan Kim tells the E-Journal. “Regular456 seems to be much stronger than CptJack but observers will still enjoy the game, especially as regular456 is a somewhat famous and serious go player in the US who wants to be a pro.”
photo: Myung-wan Kim doing online game commentary at the 2012 Cotsen AGA-Tygem Go Pro Prelim; photo by Chris Garlock
American Go Players Seek Support for Go Documentary
Tuesday June 12, 2012
After several months of filming, AGA members making a new documentary about the game of go have just released a trailer and are raising funds to complete the feature-length film. “This film will cover all aspects of go and go culture, and we hope it will have a large impact in spreading awareness and interest in the game,” says Will Lockhart 5D (at left in photo), who’s co-directing the film with Cole Pruitt 2k (at right). “The Surrounding Game” uses this year’s launch of the American professional system to explore the game and world of go. Lockhart, who co-founded the Brown University Go club, and Pruitt — a Brown alum — and their team have already filmed extensively at the 2012 Cotsen Open and Maryland Open, and will be shooting more footage at the upcoming Canadian Open, US Go Congress, and Pro Certification Tournament, before traveling to Asia in the fall. “Despite being the most compelling and fulfilling of all games, go remains almost completely unknown in the West,” the team notes. “By exploring the roots of go in Asia and the intensity of international competition, we want to give a taste of the beauty of go to everyone. From rules that a child can understand, to dazzling complexities too difficult for supercomputers that only the human mind can unravel, go has potential to take the Western world by storm.” The team must raise at least $15,000 in pledges by July 7 to collect funding for the doc through Kickstarter, and is offering a wide range of rewards for contributors, from DVDs to limited-edition t-shirts, mugs, boards signed by top professionals and more. “I think this film will tell an exceptional story about an exceptional game,” says AGA President Allan Abramson. “Your help is critical to getting ‘The Surrounding Game’ onto the silver screen!”
AGA Go Database OffLine
Tuesday June 12, 2012
Due to some technical issues, the American Go Association Go Database (AGADB) is currently offline. The AGA Ratings Database is still online and updated through June 3. We apologize for any inconvenience and will keep you updated about when the AGAGD will be back online.
June 15 Deadline for AGA Board Nominations Looms
Monday June 11, 2012
Just a few days remaining before the deadline for nominations in the 2012 AGA Board of Directors election. Nominations are being accepted through June 15; email to elections@usgo.org. Nominated thus far are Lisa Scott in the central region, Gurujeet Khalsa and Zhiyuan [Edward] Zhang in the eastern region, Jie Li and Chuck Robbins for the at-large seat, and Chris Kirschner and Joe Walters for the west. Details on qualifications and procedures are available here.