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8, 2008; Volume 9, #41 Special U.S. Go Congress Edition
Click here for latest
results in the U.S. Open and North American Ing Cup,
including game
records and photos.
will provide
live game commentary on tonight’s final-round showdown between Feng Yun
9P and Yilun Yang 7P; the commentary – along with most of the
final-round Ing games – will be broadcast live on KGS beginning at 7P
PST (10P EST).
TAKES JUNIOR REDMOND CUP: Hugh Zhang 6d won the Junior
Division of the Redmond Cup Tuesday, with two wins and one loss. His
opponent, Andrew Huang 5d, took second place. The exciting playoffs
were broadcast live from the US Go Congress, a first for the Redmond.
Round 2 drew over 200 observers in what proved the most exciting of the
three matches. After an early corner death in ko Zhang was behind for
most of the game, but Huang stumbled with a misread play on the lower
side and lost several points; he finally prevailed with a one-point win
in a very tight endgame with another lengthy ko fight. “I was kind of
nervous, but I achieved my goal of winning one game,” said Huang. “Hugh
is strong and he knows lots of joseki” added the thoughtful 11 year
old, who is competing in the Redmond for the first time. Zhang’s rival,
Calvin Sun 6d, would have faced him in the Redmond
instead of Huang, but was unable to attend the
Congress as he is in China. “I was looking forward to playing Calvin
because I wanted to beat him this time,”
Zhang told the Journal, “but it was fun to play Andrew.” Huang was
rated at 4 kyu last year and has made lighting progress up to 5 dan
under the tutelage of Feng Yun, 9p. Zhang has been competing in the
Redmond for the past two years, and won second place last year. “If you
want to be strong at go all you have to do is study hard,” Zhang says,
“But most importantly, you have to love the game. My brother loves
computer games more, so he is still 6 kyu. He always beats me at
Civilization 3, but I am still better at Super Smash brothers.” Zhang,
who is 11, spends 30 minutes a day studying go problems. He plays once
or twice a week online, and sometimes goes to the Palo Alto Go Club. He
also studies with Mingjiu Jiang, 7P, weekly. The Redmond Cup is named
for Michael Redmond, the only American who has ever reached the top
ranking of Professional 9 Dan. The tournament is sponsored by the Ing
Foundation, which covers Congress expenses for the finalists in both
divisions. The American Go Foundation also provides
$500 in cash prizes for each division; Zhang will receive $300 and the
Redmond Cup trophy, Huang will get $200. - Report/photo by Paul Barchilon
SPEAKING: Takemiya of Why Go is Fun
The reason go is fun to play, according to Takamiya Masaki 9P, is that
you never play the same game so you never know what is coming. Some
players seem to be worried about this uncertainty, but it is just like
life. If you worry all the time because you don’t know what is coming –
maybe an earthquake – you will be miserable. Life is enjoyable because
there are so many surprises. Discovering new things is fun. Just like
playing go. - Bill Cobb; photo of Takemiya enjoying the view of Mt
Jefferson by Steve Barbieri
PHOTO: Shunichi Hyodo 7d’s annual tour group from
Japan. photo by Phil Straus
Managing Editor: Chris Garlock
Game Recorders: Todd Heidenreich (Game Recorder Coordinator), Dennis
Wheeler, Richard Dolen, Tom Hodges, Casey Alexander, Brian Leahy, Terry
Fung, Josh Gum, Paul Hardin, Huck Bennett, Dave Weimer, Gordon
Castanza, Brady Daniels, Calvin Lee (Youth), Cherry Shen (Youth), Troy
Reporters: Bill Cobb, Lee Hunyh, Laura Kolb (Tournaments); Paul
Barchilon (Youth Editor).
Photographers: Brian Allen, Phil Straus
IT: Steve Colburn
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by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE
that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed,
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Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the
American Go Association.
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