News from the American Go Association

October 21, 2005
Volume 5, #91

In This Issue:
LATEST GO NEWS: Lefler Memorial Tourney Tomorrow; Texas Update; Third Round Of LG Cup Leaves Four Standing; Cho Seokbin Wins Another; Coming Up Monday; You Count; Hoopingarner Wins Alert Reader
PROFESSIONALLY SPEAKING: Nakayama On The Art Of Resigning
ATTACHED FILES: 2005.10.21 Challenge, Saito-Clark, Straus.sgf; 2005.10.21 Go Review Problem VII 12.sgf; 2005.10.21 McGuigan Series #4.pdf


LEFLER MEMORIAL TOURNEY TOMORROW: The first annual Greg Lefler Memorial Tournament is scheduled for tomorrow in Rochester, NY. Lefler, who died in August, was an enthusiastic go promoter and directed the U.S. Go Congress in Rochester in 2004. Register online at or in person beginning at 9A in Building 7A on the Rochester Institute of Technology campus.

TEXAS UPDATE: Registration for next week's workshop and tournament in Houston, TX is now closed, reports organizer Robert Cordingley. Anyone with questions can contact Cordingley at 281-333-1614. From Monday 10/24, he can be reached at Camp Allen:

THIRD ROUND OF LG CUP LEAVES FOUR STANDING: The third round of the 10th international LG Cup this past Monday reduced the field to four players; three Chinese and a lone Korean, Lee Sedol 9P. Details in Monday's edition.

CH O SEOKBIN WINS ANOTHER: Cho Seokbin 7d of Germany, who won the Toyota-PandaNet European Go Tour event in Bratislava, Slovakia the weekend before last, has now won the next such event, this time in Copenhagen. Details Monday.

COMING UP MONDAY: Steve Burrall 5d and Keith Arnold 5d weigh in on playing handicap games. Plus a new batch of upcoming tournaments.

YOU COUNT: Tell us what you think of the E-Journal: help us improve our efforts to keep you up to date on the fascinating world of go by taking our brief 4-question survey at

HOOPINGARNER WINS ALERT READER: Dale Hoopingarner is this week's Alert Reader winner, winning a $10 go vendor gift certificates for spotting our most recent Alert hidden in a game commentary. Winners are drawn at random from those who correctly report the Alerts. Keep a sharp eye out in ALL our game attachments; you could be a winner too!

WEEKEND GO ACTION: Rochester, NY, Portland, OR
- October 22: Rochester, NY
First Annual Greg Lefler Memorial Go Tournament
Christopher Sira 201-230-2383
- October 22-23: Portland, OR
Portland Go Tournament
Peter Drake 503-768-7539 w; 503-245-1239 h

       "This is a good time to count," says Phil Straus in today's game commentary on Shodan Challenger Calvin Clark 12k's game, where you can see how accurate counting can drive effective strategic decisions. Commentator Phil Straus is a former president of the AGA.
       Bonus files today are a problem from Go Review VII 12 (December 1967), and Questions from Actual Play #4, the fourth installment of a new series of studies brought to us by Robert McGuigan in translation from "Jissen ni tsuyoku naru 80 dai (80 questions for getting strong at real play)" by Haruyama Isamu 9P (Haruyama is the author of Basic Techniques of Go). McGuigan translated another series earlier, based on writings of Nakayama Noriyuki 6P, called "What's Wrong with that Move?" This material is used by permission of the Nihon Kiin which published the original text in 1979. Haruyama says that his primary audience is players who are aiming for shodan.

PROFESSIONALLY SPEAKING: Nakayama On The Art Of Resigning
       "On occasion, when playing a teaching game with someone for the first time, I've had the opponent carefully make a two point gote hane plus connection even though he is losing by 100 points," writes Nakayama Noriyuki in "The Treasure Chest Enigma" (p. 36). "After the game the player rationalizes it by saying: 'I thought it would be rude to resign when you've been so kind as to play me'. That implies that he plays differently with his friends, but if you watch you find him fighting a half-point ko when 100 points behind. He fills in all the dame, lays out the captured stones then exclaims 'Well, what a surprise! I'm quite a bit behind' Then he pretends to resign, I don't recognize this as a genuine resignation.
      "The most painful chore for a go teacher is playing with this kind of pupil. Another name for go is 'shudan', meaning 'talking with the hands' One may not utter a word, but each and every stone played relates the feelings of the players. If you translate the "shudan' of a player who won't resign a 100 point loss into plain English, he's saying 'You're such an imbecile that I can easily catch up 100 points" It's hard to imagine greater rudeness in a go player"
(thanks to Keith Arnold 5d for passing this along)


PLAYERS WANTED: Panama City, FL: Looking for friendly local people in the Panama City and nearby area who would like to get together for games. If there's enough response, I'd like to explore the possibility of starting a local club. I'm a novice and would also appreciate the benefit of any interested stronger players. Contact Noel at

FOR SALE: Learn to Play Go, Volume 2 (The Way Of The Moving Horse) and Learn to Play Go, Volume 3 (The Dragon Style), both by Janice Kim and Jeong Soo-hyun. Paperback, both in excellent condition with no markings; $12 each or both for $21. I will pay shipping.

FOR SALE: 1) Korean 7mm glass stones & plastic bowls, $15. 2) Japanese 6mm glass stones & plastic bowls, $25. 3) Japanese wood folding board, $25. 4) Japanese dark-brown wood bowls, $30. Buyer pays US Mail or UPS shipping. Contact Anton at:

For go books, equipment, software and more, check out go vendors online at:


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Published by the American Go Association
Managing Editor: Chris Garlock
Assistant Editor: Bill Cobb

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to journa

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.

To make name or address corrections, go to Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

American Go Association P.O. Box 397 Old Chelsea Station New York, NY 10113-0397