News from the American Go Association

September 23, 2005
Volume 5, #83

In This Issue:
LATEST GO NEWS: Peigang Zhang Finishes 1st In Triangle Marathon; Colorado Update; U.S. Finalizes Teams To Korea & China; 12 Take The Challenge; Izumi Doing Well; Quadruple Ko & The Tie That Wasn't; Weekend Go Action
GAME COMMENTARY: 5d Challenger and the Two-Step Hane
GO REVIEW: Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques
ATTACHED FILES: 2005.09.23 Challenge, Rosenblatt-Liang, Yang Commentary.sgf; 2005.09.23 Kaz Lesson #41.pdf


PEIGANG ZHANG FINISHES 1ST IN TRIANGLE MARATHON: Peigang Zhang swept all five rounds in the September 17 Memorial Go Marathon, hosted by the Triangle Go Group in Raleigh, North Carolina. Details in Monday's edition.

COLORADO UPDATE: The Kids Go club at the library in Boulder, Colorado continues to set new records, reports Colorado go organizer Paul Barchilon. And last weekend, more than 60 turned out to learn go at an anime convention in Denver. Full reports in Monday's edition. PLUS: see a photo at the AGA's homepage now:

U.S. FINALIZES TEAMS TO KOREA & CHINA: Ron Snyder, Michael Chen and Lionel Zhang will represent the U.S. at next month's 2005 International Baduk Team championship in Korea, reports American Go Association President Mike Lash. The event is sponsored by the Korean Amateur Baduk Association and runs October 24-27. "Sixteen countries were invited to send teams," says Lash. "The AGA was invited to send a team of three players, who were selected from a doz en volunteers. The sponsor pays travel and accommodation expenses." That same week, the U.S. will be represented by eight players in the International City GO championship in Hong Zhou, China, hosted by the Hong Zhou Qi Yuan and the Chinese Go Association. Thomas Hsiang, Ned Phipps and Jack Shih make up Team America and Team USA is made up of Kevin Chao, Jon Hartsel and Steve Wu. Two individual US players, Gordon Castanza and Albert Guo, will also compete. "All players pay their own way to this event but they compete for cash prizes," reports Lash, who will attend the China event on behalf of the AGA. "The AGA is very proud and excited to have the opportunity to send almost a dozen players into international competition at once," said Lash, "and we expect more opportunities in the future. We wish them all good luck."

12 TAKE THE CHALLENGE: A dozen players have now taken on the 2006 Shodan Challenge! Open to players of all strengths, the Challenge now has five Division s: the 20-kyu Challenge, for beginners; the 10-kyu Challenge for 11-20k players; the 5-kyu Challenge for 6-10k players, the Shodan Challenge for 5-1k players and the 5d Challenge for 1-4d players. Find out more about the 2006 Challengers in Monday's edition. Meanwhile, make a move to improve! For more details on how to qualify for the Challenge, email us today at

IZUMI DOING WELL: Kobayashi Izumi 6P continues her winning ways. Details on Monday.

QUADRUPLE KO & THE TIE THAT WASN'T: Lee Changho 9P and Chang Hao 9P managed to create a quadruple ko situation in a tournament game. They settled for a tie, but it wasn't really. Details on Monday.

ARTECHE WINS ALERT READER: David Arteche of Silver Spring, MD is this week's Alert Reader winner, winning a $10 go vendor gift certificates for spotting our most recent Alert hidden in a game commentary. Winners are drawn at random from those who correctly report the Alerts. Keep a sharp eye out in al l our game attachments; you could be a winner too!

WEEKEND GO ACTION: Germantown, MD; Hoboken, NJ
- September 24: Germantown, MD
Moon Cha Memorial
Yuan Zhou 301-528-7259
Note: Pre-registration is required; check with Yuan Zhou to see if there's any space left.
- September 25: Hoboken, NJ
Hoboken Fall Ratings Tournament
Larry Russ 201-216-5379

GAME COMMENTARY: 5d Challenger and the Two-Step Hane
       Today's game is from the final round of the 2005 Canadian Open. Greg Rosenblatt 4d is a participant in the new 2006 E-Journal Challenge, aiming at making 5d by the 2006 Congress. Richard Liang 7d regularly represents Canada in the North American Ing Cup. The commentary is by Yilun Yang 7P, one of the foremost go teachers in the US.
       Strong dan players especi ally will want to check out this week's lesson from Kaz Furuyama, "Sabaki Tesuji with a Two-Step Hane."

GO REVIEW: Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques
Reviewed by Nathan Borggren 7k
      We've all had those days where our corners end up looking like train wrecks and we stare puzzled at the goban wondering where it all went wrong. Lectures on Go Techniques breaks down this close quarter combat to downright trivial degrees. The first chapter on "Elements of Go Techniques" includes useful tactics like Surrounding and Escaping, Connecting and Cutting, Attachments, Diagonals, Tigers, empty triangles, and hanes at the head of your opponent's stones. In this section Cho Hun-hyeon derives some basic common joseki from proverbs like "Hane at the head of opponent's stones," "answer an attachment with a hane" and assorted shape issues.
       The second chapter is a set of basic problems in which he walks you step by step through correct and incorrect (sometimes very incorrect) answers regarding: Attachments, Extensions, Establishing A Base, Running Towards Center and Capping, Ataris, Cuts, Tigers, and Weaknesses. His explanations are long and lucid with easy-to-read diagrams. I find myself referring to it often as a source to explicate some of the why's and wherefore's in studying joseki moves long after I first read it.
      I classify this book as a pre-joseki guide that would benefit players from nearly beginners to around 10-12k, especially those in the 15 kyu arena. Players stronger than 12k may find the lack of challenge in the problems irritating. Lectures on Go Techniques is a simple, enjoyable, and quick read that will help you embark on the diffic ult, enjoyable, and lifelong study of joseki.


WANTED: Decent go board; one that isn't homemade, beat up (dinged or scratched is okay), or doesn't have legs, plus the stones and bowls. Willing to trade or buy;

GO PLAYERS WANTED; Osterburg, PA: Or any other Chestnut Ridge School District town. Other Bedford County players may be accepted. if interested.

FOR SALE: pair of large, dark-red ash, "go seigen style" bowls, $40. Buyer pays $10 shipping. I paid $80 for them at Samarkand last year. Anton Ninno

STUDENTS WANTED: Alexandre Dinerchtein, 6-time European champion is offering one-on-one and group lessons on KGS. For details check "breakfast" info or "

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association
Managing Editor: Chris Garlock
Assistant Editor: Bill Cobb

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.
To make name or address corrections, go to Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing f or clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

American Go Association P.O. Box 397 Old Chelsea Station New York, NY 10113-0397